1. Selama ini, tahukah tuan tentang isu yang dihadapi oleh penduduk di sini?
a. Tahu b. Tidak Tahu
2. Pada pendapat tuan, patutkah penduduk membantah perancangan MPSJ yang mengorbankan HSAH (Hutan Simpanan Kekal Ayer Hitam)?
a. Patut b. Tidak Patut c. Tidak ada komen
3. Adakah tuan sendiri menyokong tindakan penduduk ini?
a. Sokong b. Tidak Sokong c. Tidak ada komen
4. Saya sokong/tidak sokong penduduk membantah perancangan demi melindung HSAH atas sebab .......................................................................................
5. Jika tuan sokong, apakah langkah yang patut dilakukan oleh penduduk supaya dapat menambahkan keyakinan dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan ini?
Out of 54 Selangor ADUNs, only 2 sent back the survey to us.
They are:
ADUN Sekinchan, Tuan Ng Suee Lim (DAP)
ADUN Sungai Pinang , Tuan Teng Chang Khim (DAP)
Both ADUNs supported our actions.
However, the 49 other ADUNs don't reply at all and 1 ADUN, Gombak Setia, Tn Yuszahari Bin Md Yusof don't even want to receive the survey even though we sent to his place twice by registered post after calling him to confirm he is there!
Of the 49 ADUNs, we think we can forgive ADUN Ijok, Datuk Sivalingam for being dead but we definitely feel that the other 48 do not want to listen to the rakyat despite repeated calls from the Prime Minister for them to serve and work with the rakyat.
Attached are sample of the survey form.