Monday, December 31, 2007

Program SCT membantah Rancangan MPSJ MEMPERBESARKAN tanah perkuburan di Hutan Simpanan Ayer Hitam

Jiran-jiran sekalian,

Menurut Draf rancangan MPSJ 2008-2020, tanah perkuburan di Hutan Simpanan Ayer Hitam (HSAH) akan diperluaskan kepada lebih kurang 150 ekar menghapuskan hutan simpanan dari SP 9 hingga hujung SP 10 dan LEP 7. Ini bermakna tanah perkuburan HSAH adalah 50% saiz Saujana Puchong dan 70% saiz Lestari Puchong.

Tarikh Akhir untuk bantahan kepada MPSJ adalah 28 Jan 2008.

Disebabkan Tanah Perkuburan Mega ini, SCT akan mengadakan program berikut:

1. Wakil SCT dari setiap taman akan memberi borang kepada penduduk untuk membantah
draf rancangan MPSJ berkenaan tanah perkuburan ini.

2. Mulai dari 7 Jan 2008 (7 - 13 Jan 2008), SCT akan mengadakan satu secretariat yang akan berada di Restoran AS-Subuh dari pukul 10 pm hingga 11.30 pm untuk menjawab segala pertanyaan penduduk.

3. Pada 14 Jan 2008, pukul 10 pagi, SCT berharap semua jiran-jiran akan bersama-sama di
MPSJ (USJ) untuk bersama-sama menyerahkan borang bantahan masing-masing.

Sila beritahu jiran-jiran sekalian kerana perkara ini akan membebankan setiap penduduk di kawasan ini.

Di samping itu, SCT juga memerlukan sukarelawan-sukarelawan dari setiap taman untuk memberi borang and menjelaskan masalah ini kepada penduduk. Sesiapa yang ini membantu, sila hubungi kami.

Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila panggil Mr. Ang 012-292 6378, Mr. Ng 012-2353280 , Mr. Yew 012 3036583 atau email kami di

Calon KEADILAN DI PUCHONG, ENCIK CHEAH SANG SOON menjawab kenyataan akhbar Ahli Parlimen Puchong berkenaan dengan Protest SCT pada 16 Dec 2007

Pada 26 Dec 2007, calon KEADILAN untuk kawasan Puchong pada pilihanraya akan datang, Encik Cheah Sang Soon menjawab kenyataan akhbar YB Puchong, Encik Lau Yeng Peng berkenaan tentang protes SCT di Pejabat YB Puchong pada 16 Dec 2007.

Kenyataan akhbar Encik Cheah pada 26 Dec 2007

(蒲种26日讯)雪州公正党青年团副团长谢双顺,针对蒲种区国会议员卢永平於17日 发表文告指责反对党利用大选的时刻,政治化反对亚依谈兴建坟地事件,以从中捞取政治资本 指出:作为马来西亚合法的政党,应有权利和义务为普罗大从争取他们的权益;而人民不应该因为和反方对党站在同一阵线,而被冠上被反对党利用之嫌。这唯免太低估人民的智慧和判断能力了。
谢双顺表示:虽然,卢氏一再强调亚依谈坟地发展计划非属国会批准范围,早在2003年前,已批准通过此项计划,然而,蒲种 的屋业发展计划里,一直没有将这项批准划入蓝图里,让有意购买蒲种屋业的居民预先知道这项发展,这对于当地的居民是绝对不公平的。
而身为 一个负责任的国会议员,不应该推唐这一切事情的发生是在他当选之前的事,更重要的是,卢氏在2006年5月13日出席居民聚会时,公开表态愿意与居民站在同一阵线,协助居民解决义山问题,最后却表示成功争取把坟地与周围环境的美化缓冲的距离,从原有的20尺扩至30尺,但这并不是居民最终的意愿。

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Laporan Akhbar Untuk Penyerahan Memorandum kepada Ahli Parlimen Puchong 16 Dec 2007

Penyerahan Memorandum Kepada YB Puchong untuk MENGOTAKAN JANJINYA

Sebagaimana yang diketahui, pihak SCT tidak diberikan permit untuk protes 16 Dec 2007 tetapi diberi kebenaran lisan oleh pihak polis untuk menghantar memorandum kepada Ahli Parlimen Puchong, YB Lau Yeng Peng.

Demi menjaga keselamatan penduduk-penduduk, pihak SCT bersama wakil polis menunggu di Giant, Bandar Puteri Puchong untuk memberitahu penduduk-penduduk serta penyokong-penyokong bahawa protes sudah dibatalkan.

Disebabkan, ramai penduduk dan penyokong yang sudi datang pada hari itu, pihak SCT mengucapkan terima kasih kepada mereka atas kepercayaang mereka yang padu kepada SCT.

Selain itu, pihak SCT bersyukur kerana dengan bantuan mesra dari pihak polis, semua penduduk dan penyokong yang sudi datang dapat balik dengan selamat.

Selain itu, pihak SCT juga hendak mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada Saudara Cheah Sang Soon dari Keadilan, Saudara Kuan Pek Siong dari DAP dan Saudara Mohd Nasir dari PAS yang sudi bersama wakil SCT menghantar memorandum kepada Ahli Parlimen Puchong, Encik Lau Yeng Peng.

Malangnya, YB Lau dan wakil-wakilnya tiada di pejabat (walaupun sudah diberitahu kami akan datang) dan tidak menyambut kami untuk menerima memorandum yang menyeru beliau mengotakan janjinya.

Gambar-gambar aktiviti kami pada 16 Dec 2007 boleh dilihat mengikut link di bawah:
Untuk 'Caption', sila masuk ke gambar satu demi satu.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Protest Di Pejabat YB Puchong Pada 16 Dec 2007 DIBATALKAN. Penghantaran Memorandum kepada YB Puchong Dan Sidang Akhbar Akan DITERUSKAN.

Kepada jiran-jiran yang disayangi,

SCT diberitahu bahawa Permohonan Permit untuk Protest di Pejabat YB Puchong, Encik Lau Yeng Peng pada hari Ahad (16 Dec 2007) ini tidak diluluskan oleh pihak polis.

Kami diberitahu tentang keputusan ini pada malam hari Jumaat, 14 Dec 2007.

Memandangkan cara pengendalian “suasana demontrasi” yang semakin tegas, pihak SCT membuat keputusan untuk membatalkan Protest pada Hari Ahad ini demi keselamatan jiran-jiran sekalian.

Walau bagaimanapun, pada malam Hari Jumaat yang sama, pihak SCT telah berbincang dengan Polis Cawangan Khas, IPD Seri Kembangan untuk mencari cara penyelesaian yang adil kepada kedua-dua pihak serta menjamin keselamatan jiran-jiran yang hadir.

Dalam perbincangan ini, Pihak Polis Cawangan Khas, IPD Seri Kembangan bersetuju secara verbal untuk:

i. memberi wakil SCT menghantar memorandum kepada YB Puchong, Encik Lau Yeng Peng

ii. memberi Ahli Jawatan Kuasa (AJK) SCT berkumpul di Giant dengan Polis Cawangan Khas untuk bersama-sama memberitahu jiran-jiran yang tiba bahawa Protest telah Dibatalkan.

iii. Memberi wakil SCT mengadakan SIDANG AKHBAR di Restoran Mamak bersebelahan dengan Pejabat YB Puchong.

Terima Kasih.


Friday, November 2, 2007

Why is the MP of Puchong AVOIDING SCT?

Just after the 2004 election, SCT started to send letters to Puchong MP to inform him of the Ayer Hitam Reserved Forest Cemetery Issue with high hope that he will be able to help us resolve the issue.

After numerous letter correspondences, he finally agreed to meet us on 25 Feb 2006 night at one of the residence home under some extremely unreasonable and ridiculous conditions.

His conditions for the visit were:

1. He will visit us as a ‘rakyat’ and not in his capacity as the MP of Puchong.
2. We cannot inform any opposition on his visit
3. We cannot invite the media to cover his visit
4. He will not be discussing on the cemetery issue.
5. He will not promise us on anything during the visit

Due to our anxiousness and belief in his sincerity to resolve the cemetery issue, we reluctantly accepted his visit hoping that something good will come out of it.

He came quietly, he chatted with us and he went off with his last words “I will try my best”.

Looking back, slowly and surely, we begin to understand his unwritten message.

In fact, we could safely say that he did not want to meet us in the first place. If not, what were the reasons for the stiff conditions?

He has never really wanted to help us. If not, why didn’t he want to meet us up?

Then, why did he come finally? We think he had no choice because SCT was naïve enough to accept his ridiculous conditions.

Then again, on May 13, 2006, which fell on “Mother’s Day”, SCT again invited Puchong MP for a ‘MEET THE RESIDENTS’ session.

Saujana Puchong residents were very excited and fielded our dear MP with numerous questions.

When residents asked him about day-to-day issues regarding electricity, water, grass cutting, rubbish, etc, the MP explained happily in full details with outstanding descriptions.

However, when residents started to question on the cemetery issue, the residents saw a 180 degree turn. He began to avoid the issue by giving unreasonable reasons.
Because of our earlier experience with him, we grew a bit smarter and started to press for solid answers and did not allow him to beat around the bush.

Finally, after much pressure from the residents, he gave in and pledged that he will fully support us to resolve the cemetery issue all the way to the end.

Obviously, feeling proud of our good day work, we thanked the MP for his full support and going home feeling gung-ho that the issue will be resolved.

The story ended with us waiting more than a year without any news from him until June 2007 when we finally realized that we have been taken for a ride again.

This time, armed with even more bad experience and again thinking that we are smart people, we ask to see him to follow up on the progress.

Do you want know what he told us this time?

He told us that he has helped us resolved electricity, grass, mosquitoes, water problems, therefore he has helped us resolved all our issues!!!

Since that day, we never get a chance to see him again.

All these events lead us to ask ourselves, the residents of Saujana Puchong a few questions?

1. Is the MP of Puchong a trustworthy and honest person?
2. Is the MP of Puchong, the type of person who will keep promises?
3. Is the MP of Puchong someone who is sincere in helping us?
4. Is the MP of Puchong someone who will not readily leave us when the going gets tough?
5. Is the MP of Puchong someone that we want to represent us?

Dear Residents, in many things, we believe, action speaks louder than words.

We believe with this ‘Missing in Action’ MP, all of us are wise enough to make an informed and well considered conclusion on our own.


自01/04/04至今,我们都不断为此斗争坚持到底. 绿肺是优质环境的元素, 通道是邻近花园往来的基建, 我们仅存一段的森林, 已被市政府列为多元种族墓地. 最终这片绿荫的森林被牺牲了, 这条公路也被截断了, 本区域产业应声降值了.
居民们, 朋友们, 这就直接的牺牲了我们, 换来是阴森的墓园, 殡葬礼拜的车队, 墓葬用品周边行业商店的建立. 难道! 这一切对我们都没有影响吗? 生, 老, 病, 死, 墓地是须要的. 公平, 公正及公义更应被彰显. 因此! 大家应同声共气, 一致要求市政府取消这墓地计划, 另外寻找更适当地点为墓地. 居民们, 朋友们, 因当权的市政府没有尊重民意, 我们逼不得已才对市政府提出法律诉讼, 案件已经多次展期, 现排期至23/11/07. 所以, 现阶段不具有任何法律约束力, 限制市政府动工, 请慎记. 居民们, 朋友们, 为了让这件事取得更有效的成果, 我们希望得到大家的认同, 也呼吁大家能团结一致勇于参与我们的团队, 同时也欢迎任何朝野政党及非政府组织的协助, 尽快把此事解决, 谢谢.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Sehingga kini, penduduk-penduduk di Taman-taman perumahan di sekeliling Hutan Simpanan Ayer Hitam (HSAH) amat bertuah dan berbangga kerana dapat menikmati alam semulajadi yang begitu indah dan udara nyaman yang bersepoi-sepoi, hasil dari hutan rimba yang diperlihara dengan sempurna.

Di samping itu, HSAH, juga merupakan salah satu hutan yang tertua di dunia dengan kepelbagaian fauna dan flora yang tiada tolok bandingannya.

Malangnya, satu peristiwa gelap bakal menimpa HSAH dan penduduk-penduduk di sekitarnya.

MPSJ akan mengorbankan 50 ekar HSAH untuk membina sebuah tapak perkuburan pelbagai kaum yang dilengkapi dengan RUMAH BAKAR MAYAT.

Lebih-lebih lagi, JALAN PENYAMBUNG TANPA TOL dari Puchong (melalui Saujana Puchong) ke Seri Kembangan (melalui Lestari Puchong) yang sepatutnya dibina mengikut perancangan awal juga telah dikorbankan disebabkan pembinaan tapak perkuburan ini.

Selain itu, tapak perkuburan ini akan membawa pelbagai malapetaka ekonomi, sosial dan mental kepada penduduk-penduduk sekitar.

Malapetaka #1
Harga rumah penduduk sekitar, akan menurun secara mendadak, menghapuskan wang hasil titik peluh mereka. Secara keseluruhan, beratus-ratus juta wang penduduk akan dikorbankan begitu sahaja.

Malapetaka #2
Angin nyaman bersepoi-sepoi yang begitu dihayati penduduk sekitar akan digantikan dengan angin ngeri dan berhabuk yang bukan sahaja menyeramkan hati tetapi juga menjejaskan kesihatan penduduk.

Malapetaka #3
Kedai-kedai keranda dan kedai-kedai lain yang membekalkan pelbagai barang-barang keperluan pengebumian akan mengambil-alih kedai-kedai keperluan penduduk yang ada sekarang. Lama-kelamaan, Taman Perumahan kita akan bertukar ke Taman Perkuburan.

Malapetaka #4
Setiap hari, penduduk-penduduk akan dibebankan dengan ‘Trafik Jam’ Kereta Keranda.

Untuk melindungi HSAH dan kepentingan penduduk-penduduk sekitar, pihak SCT telah mengambil tindakan perundangan terhadap MPSJ dan Kerajaan Selangor.
Malangnya, sehingga hari ini, perbicaraan belum bermula dan masih ditangguhkan oleh pihak MPSJ. Disebabkan ini, MPSJ mempunyai hak untuk memulakan kerja pada bila-bila masa!

Penduduk-penduduk di sekitar HSAH memahami bahawa Tapak Perkuburan adalah satu keperluan rakyat.

Tentang aspek in, apa yang penduduk mahukan adalah:

a. HSAH dan hak penduduk tidak dikorbankan dengan sewenang-wenangnya.

b. Perlaksanaan projek kerajaan adalah telus, adil dan saksama.

Untuk memenuhi kedua-dua syarat ini, beberapa perkara patut disoal:

a. Mengapa Tapak Perkuburan ini tidak dibina di tempat yang tidak mengorbankan hutan dan
penduduk? Betulkah di Negeri Selangor tiada lagi tanah yang bersesuaian?

b. Mengapa Tapak Perkuburan, yang merupakan perancangan jangka panjang, tidak dirancang dan diberitahu kepada penduduk sekitar semasa kita membeli rumah di sini? Semasa kita membeli rumah, yang diberitahu adalah hutan simpanan adalah bersebelahan rumah kita! Patutkah kesilapan dalam perancangan kerajaan DITANGGUNG SEPENUHNYA oleh

c. Mengapa 50 ekar HSAH dikorbankan? Adakah ini disebabkan tanah tidak melebihi 50 ekar
tidak memerlukan laporan EIA (Environment Impact Analysis)? Bolehkah kawasan HSAH
yang lain dikorbankan dengan cara yang sama pada masa akan dating?

d. Mengapa hanya 2 penduduk mendapat surat tentang hal ini manakala penduduk yang
dibebankan melebihi 4000 rumah tangga?

e. Mengapa kerja-kerja pengukuran tanah dijalankan pada hujung minggu? Adakah ini kerana
mahkamah tidak dibuka pada hujung minggu?

f. Dan soalan yang paling penting, adakah pengorbanan penduduk sekitar berbaloi? Adakah
pengorbanan satu-satunya hutan simpanan yang tertua di dunia ini berbaloi? Untuk
sesuatu perkara yang boleh diselesaikan dengan cara yang lebih bijak.

Dengan segala hormatnya, pihak SCT menjemput penduduk-penduduk sekitar untuk menyertai aktiviti-aktiviti SCT dan memberi sokongan padu kepada kami supaya kita boleh bersatu-padu melindungi warisan HSAH, harta benda satu sama lain dan yang paling penting SUARA KITA dapat DIDENGAR dan DIHORMATI oleh PIHAK BERKUASA.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Residents, please send us your email so that we can send updates to you!

Dear Residents,

Please drop a mail to :

so that we can provide updates to you efficiently.


Shah Alam Court Hearing on 13 August 2007 postponed

Dear Residents,

Our hearing on our Legal Action on August 13, 2007 has been postponed to 23 Nov 2007.

Legal Action is currently without injunction or stay meaning that MPSJ can start work anytime.

(Stay will only be granted when hearing starts)


Anyone that detects any actions from MPSJ (site survey, tractor coming in, etc) please call us,

Yew (012-3036583), Chee Kwong (012-2353280), Ang (012-2926378)

Let's work together to make sure that nothing happens to our beautiful forest.

Protest in Lestari Puchong on 12 August 2007

The location from Google Earth

Thanks to the 200 residents of Lestari Puchong, Saujana Puchong, Mutiara Indah, Bandar Bukit Puchong who attended the protest and walked up the hill to see how near the cemetery is to their residential area that replaces the non-toll connecting road from Puchong To Seri Kembangan.

Thanks to DAP, Keadilan, NGOs, PAS, Press that cover the event and also the policemen who has helped tremendously to make the protest a calm and peaceful one.
What a beautiful forest reserve at our door step?

Green lungs soon be gone.

the protest on top of the hill

The police on the scene to take care of us.

Other blogs:
Newspaper cutting on the event:

Friday, August 10, 2007

Protes SCT-Saujana Puchong “Kekalkan hutan simpanan, mahu Jalan BUKAN KUBUR” di Lestari Puchong

Walaupun dengan adanya tindakan perundangan, MPSJ masih akan menebang pokok yang begitu dihargai pada bila-bila masa. SCT akan bersama dengan penduduk dari LIMA (5) taman iaitu Bandar Bukit Puchong, Lestari Puchong, Mutiara Indah, Puchong Gateway dan juga Saujana Puchong mengadakan protest di Lestari Puchong. Slogan kita adalah “Kekalkan hutan simpanan, mahu Jalan BUKAN KUBUR”

12hb Ogos 2007 (Hari Ahad) Masa : 10.00 pagi
Di Lestari Puchong (Dilampir butir lokasinya)
Yang dijemput :
En. Tian Chua dan En.Yaacob (PKR), En. Yap (SUARAM), En. Ronnie Liew Tian Khiew, En. Lau Weng San dan En.Kuan Perk Siong (DAP), En. Roslan (PAS), En. Lee Huat Seng dan En. Tan Kar Hing (DEMA), En. Nazri (Student Union Malaysia), Dr. Loh (CEO of MNS), Dr. Dionysius (CEO WWF) dan En. Chang Kim Loong (Setiausaha NHBA).

Sila hubungi 012-292 6378 (Ang), 012-235 3280 (Ng) dan 012-303 6583 (Yew)

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Thank You Mr. PM!

Our beloved Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Ahmad Badawi has sent a reply to us regarding the Official Survey on converting Ayer Hitam Forest Reserve to a cemetery that we sent to every ADUN in Selangor. (Please view previous blog dated Friday, June 22, 2007).

We would like to thank you to our PM for acknowledging SCT's struggle and directed our issue to the most relevant person in charge, Selangor Menteri Besar, Dato' Seri Mohd Khir Toyo.
This shows that the PM sincerely cares about us, the rakyat, the use of of forest and other green lungs (what more the reserved forest!) and the preservation of biodiversity.
We believe that the Selangor MB as well as Puchong MP, YB Lau Yeng Peng will share the same virtues, concerns and accountability like our PM and work hand in hand with us to resolve the Ayer Hitam Forest Reserve issue promptly and responsibly.
Thank You Mr. PM!
Cemerlang, Gemilang dan Terbilang

Friday, June 22, 2007

No Selangor BN ADUNS reply our Official Survey on the ISSUE of converting Ayer Hitam Forest Reserve to cemetery

SCT has sent out an official survey to 54 ADUNs in Selangor and 14 other government agencies and NGOs on the 11/3/2007 through registered post asking the following questions and requested them to return the survey before 23/4/2007:

1. Selama ini, tahukah tuan tentang isu yang dihadapi oleh penduduk di sini?
a. Tahu b. Tidak Tahu

2. Pada pendapat tuan, patutkah penduduk membantah perancangan MPSJ yang mengorbankan HSAH (Hutan Simpanan Kekal Ayer Hitam)?
a. Patut b. Tidak Patut c. Tidak ada komen

3. Adakah tuan sendiri menyokong tindakan penduduk ini?
a. Sokong b. Tidak Sokong c. Tidak ada komen

4. Saya sokong/tidak sokong penduduk membantah perancangan demi melindung HSAH atas sebab .......................................................................................

5. Jika tuan sokong, apakah langkah yang patut dilakukan oleh penduduk supaya dapat menambahkan keyakinan dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan ini?


Out of 54 Selangor ADUNs, only 2 sent back the survey to us.

They are:
ADUN Sekinchan, Tuan Ng Suee Lim (DAP)
ADUN Sungai Pinang , Tuan Teng Chang Khim (DAP)

Both ADUNs supported our actions.

However, the 49 other ADUNs don't reply at all and 1 ADUN, Gombak Setia, Tn Yuszahari Bin Md Yusof don't even want to receive the survey even though we sent to his place twice by registered post after calling him to confirm he is there!

Of the 49 ADUNs, we think we can forgive ADUN Ijok, Datuk Sivalingam for being dead but we definitely feel that the other 48 do not want to listen to the rakyat despite repeated calls from the Prime Minister for them to serve and work with the rakyat.

Attached are sample of the survey form.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Reserve Forest can be LEGALLY converted to Cemetery without EIA report

SCT has received a formal reply from Jabatan Alam Sekitar (Kementerian Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar) that the Ayer Hitam Forest Reserve can be legally converted into a cemetery without the need for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) because it is a land matter.

Since we are celebrating World Environment Day on 17 June 2007, we feel that this is totally ridiculous because if forest reserves can be destroyed so easily, imagine what will happen to other non-reserve forests and parks.

Because of this, SCT will be meeting with MNS and WWF to clarify this issue.

We, Malaysians are so sad that now Green Every Day has just turn RED.


Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Our protest news in Star Metro 8 May 2007

Residents dead set against cemetery

Story and photo by DEBBIE CHAN
SAUJANA Puchong residents are getting more frustrated by the day as their campaign to stop a neighbouring forest reserve from being turned into a cemetery seems to be falling on deaf ears.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

MPSJ Disrespects Court Order And Starts work on the cemetery

On Saturday, 5 May 2007, one resident in Saujana Puchong saw a few workers doing some boundary measurements at the cemetery site. The witty lady immediately asked the workers what they are doing and requested for the authorization letter. To her surprise, it is a letter by MPSJ authorizing MRI Consultancy to do the boundary survey for the cemetery.

A copy of the letter is attached here:

She immediately photocopied the letter and contacted SCT Secretary, Mr. Yew Mun Kong.

Mr. Yew immediately instructed our lawyer Mr. T. J. Chin to file a complain to the Shah Alam Court on the next Monday.

Mr. Yew alerted the SCT committee about this and we immediately swung into full alert because many of our members who are contractors tell us that once they have the boundary marking, they can send their bulldozers to clear the land very fast.

On 6 May 2007, a beautiful Sunday, at about 10 am, Mr. Soon came and knocked on my door and informed me that the surveyors are here again.

Both of us immediately went to the site and took photos with the workers and their activities as evidence. We also took their contact number in case we need their help to testify.

As you can see in the picture, our good neighbour, Koh immediately join us when he saw what happened.

Since it is the last day of the survey and we need to catch MPSJ red-handed before they deny it or give some lame excuses, Mr. Koh suggested that we immediately call Mr. Yew to contact the press and set a time in the afternoon for a protest.

Mr. Yew then informed us that China Press, Nanyang, Sin Chew, Kong Ming as well as The Star are coming at 3 pm, the same day and we need a strong turnout during the protest to show MPSJ that the residents are very dissappointed with such unlawful behaviour.

Because of the lack of time, we are able to gather about 50 residents for the protest.

As a summary, we would like to inform the residents that although we have already got a no-work order from the court, the local government does not follow the law and even with a no-work order, we are not protected.

They are so despicable that they won't be ashame or hesitate to bully us using taxpayer money.

To safeguard our own interest, we, the residents of Saujana Puchong (or generally Malaysians) must be united closely as we in SCT has learned again and again that to protect ourselves, we must present a strong and united front as the authority is practising Law of the Jungle.

Next article we will be informing all our neighbours the happenings during the protest.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

SCT Saujana has come online

Signature Campaign Teamwork (SCT) Saujana Puchong has done so much to ensure that the cemetery in Saujana Puchong is moved to a more suitable place and not inside a residential area.

However, so little is published in the English and Bahasa media on our activities. Thus, many residents in Saujana Puchong (especially those who contributed RM300.00 for our legal fund) do not know the amount of efforts that we have put in and think that we are non-functional.
(We would like to thank the Chinese media for the support and bravery in publishing our cause thus far).

To add salt to the wound, local politicians have publicly and irresponsibly inform the public that our legal actions have failed although it is still very much alive.

Furthermore, I dare say, if not for the legal suit, we would already have a cemetery next to us and the beautiful forest in Saujana Puchong would have to make way just like what happened in Kota Damansara currently.