Friday, December 18, 2009
回顾委会, 缘起前朝施政不公, 墓区规划不当. 如此不仁不义, 引发群众忿忾.
当权者无视群众之愤慨,却展现权力之傲慢. 展望今朝, 当权者亲临视察, 本是可喜现象, 但大臣之举动又显得太"政治", 岂能显现政府加速处理的诚意? 政府如果不优先考虑功能与效率, 甚至先着意于政治用心和设计, 如此政治权谋, 民意会被考量吗?
诸位的资产, 增或贬值,与大家发言之音调高低相关联. 因此,我们更应积极监督, 促使当权者兑现承诺, 切勿让权谋者,牺牲大家基本利益.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
SCT immediate response on the Ayer Hitam Forest Reserve (AHFR) issue latest news report on Selangor Menteri Besar (MB) Statement on 25 Oct 2009

The Star Online (Metro) Monday October 26, 2009
New location sought for cemetery
SELANGOR Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim said the government is looking for alternative sites for the proposed cemetery at the Ayer Hitam Forest Reserve.
The Selangor state government has agreed not to develop part of Ayer Hitam Forest Reserve into a cemetery.
“We have not decided on the site but it should be within a 40-minute drive from here.
“However, if we move it elsewhere, residents of the new location will object too,” he said.

Together with Kinrara assemblyman Teresa Kok, Subang Jaya Municipal Council (MPSJ) president Datuk Adnan Md Ikshan and Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) Forestry Faculty dean Prof Dr Awang Noor Abd Ghani, Khalid visited the forest reserve and the proposed cemetery site after launching the World Habitat Day programme at IOI Mall, Bandar Puchong Jaya, on Saturday.
Since the proposed cemetery project was announced by the previous state government, residents of neighbouring housing estates such as Bandar Bukit Puchong, Taman Saujana Puchong, Gateway Puchong, Lestari Puchong and Mutiara Indah had collectively voiced strong objection.
They had been calling for the abortion of the project to save the forest reserve from being developed.
Teresa appealed to the residents to give the state more time to solve the problem.
“The Ayer Hitam Forest Reserve covered an area of 4,270ha in the past but it has been reduced to 1,248ha over the years. It is a great loss to Selangor folks as it takes centuries for the forest to grow,” she said.
Teresa added that the main objective of the programme was to make people realise the importance of maintaining this precious green lung.
Hence, the public was given the rare opportunity to go into the forest reserve during the event to appreciate its beauty.
To ensure a healthier environment, Khalid said the state would embark on several green projects, including cleaning up the Klang River, generating electricity through solar cells through a company in Science Park II and harvesting rainwater.
“In the next 15 years or so, 85% to 90% of the state will become developed cities. As such, 30% of the state land has been gazetted and cannot be developed in the next 50 years,” Khalid said.
He also said that the state would take over the elevator management of low-cost flats and repaint the buildings.
Touching on the Budget 2010, Khalid said the subsidies, incentives and assistance of almost RM2bil allocated to farmers and fishermen would benefit the people of Sabak Bernam and Sungai Besar.
On another issue, Teresa said the suggestion to construct a toll-free road linking Taman Saujana Puchong and Taman Lestari Putra is costly (RM20mil) and thus is quite unlikely to materialise in the near future.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Oct 4, 2009: The Correct and Clean Solution to the Ayer Hitam Forest Issue
First of all, I would like to thank the press for her accurate, balanced and professional reporting on the Ayer Hitam Forest Reserve Issue.
From the reports, besides learning that the issue is still unresolved, we understand that the CORRECT and CLEAN solution to resolve the issue is to REGAZET it back into Forest Reserve.
We should and we would continue to work hard in a united, responsible, professional, careful and strategic manner to protect the FOREST RESERVE.
chee kwong
p.s. Please inform fellow neighbours to view this article so that they are well informed of the current status as well as the future direction of the struggle
Friday, October 2, 2009
2 Oct 2009: 唯有法理(宪报)上公布,方为妥当彻底解决.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Malay Mail Online Local Sept 29, 2009
Puchong cemetery decision to be known next month
THE fate of the forest reserve near Saujana Puchong, whether it will be turned into a cemetery or not, will be known after the next State planning committee meeting on Oct 20, State Consumer Affairs and Environment Committee chairman Elizabeth Wong said.
She said the delay in the decision was due to insufficient time during the last State planning committee meeting held early this month.
“Due to insufficient time during that meeting, we were unable to address all items on the agenda. So, the matter will be discussed again at the coming meeting,” Wong said.
She also said in a statement that the panel members of the Public Hearing Committee were in favour of retaining the forest reserve. It was now a matter of formalising the decision at the State planning committee meeting before proceeding to regazette the forest reserve.
Since April 2004, residents living in the area have been opposing turning the Ayer Hitam Forest Reserve into a cemetery.
They want to keep the forest reserve as a green lung and formed the Signature Campaign Teamwork with members comprising residents from Bandar Bukit Puchong, Gateway Puchong, Lestari Puchong, Mutiara Indah and Saujana Puchong.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Utusan Malaysia Online: Kota: Sept 28, 2009
Kubur: Penduduk tagih janji
PUCHONG 28 Sept. - Lima persatuan penduduk di sini mahu menyerahkan memorandum setelah tiga bulan menunggu janji kerajaan Selangor untuk menyelesaikan isu Tanah Perkuburan di Hutan Simpanan Ayer Hitam (HSAH).
Pengerusi Kumpulan Kempen Tandatangan (SCT) yang mewakili lima persatuan penduduk di situ, Lee Wai Hong menjelaskan, isu itu merupakan masalah besar yang masih belum menemui jalan penyelesaian sejak lima tahun dulu.
Tegasnya, sebelum ini kerajaan Selangor memaklumkan akan memberi jawapan selewat-lewatnya pada 22 September namun sehingga hari ini tiada sebarang maklum balas diterima.
"Kerajaan Selangor terus senyap dan ini membuktikan enggan mendengar tuntutan serta rayuan masyarakat di sini.
"Penduduk tempatan mempunyai kuasa untuk membantah apa-apa cadangan yang terkandung di dalam peta cadangan guna tanah Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya. Kami mahu isu ini diselesaikan segera," katanya.
Lima kawasan perumahan yang menyertai SCT ialah Bandar Bukit Puchong, Gateway Puchong, Lestari Puchong, Mutiara Puchong dan Saujana Puchong.
Tambah Wai Hong, pihaknya juga terkejut bahawa cadangan tanah perkuburan di Hutan Simpanan Ayer Hitam telah diperluaskan dari 51.5 ekar ke 147 ekar.
Ini menyamai tiga kali rancangan perkuburan asal yang dicadangkan sebelum ini.
Jelasnya, lebih kurang 90 peratus penduduk tempatan yang mewakili lebih daripada 1,500 kediaman telah menandatangan untuk membantah rancangan tersebut.
"Perancangan ini bukan sahaja menjatuhkan nilai harga rumah, maka ia akan membawa kesan negatif kepada penduduk dengan tapak perkuburan pelbagai kaum.
"Tapak kubur ini juga akan mengorbankan banyak kawasan hijau di HSAH yang seharusnya dikekalkan atau dibuat projek jalan yang lebih memberi manfaat kepada penduduk di sini," jelasnya.
Oleh itu, katanya, pihak berkuasa harus segera mengalihkan perancangan kubur itu ke suatu tempat yang jauh dari tempat kediaman tanpa mengorbankan alam semulajadi.
"Kita sudah terlalu kecewa dan tidak teragak-agak untuk berhimpun seandainya permintaan ini tidak didengar," ujarnya.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
光明日報: 建墓地聽證會無回覆‧反對義山委會促透明化

●南洋商报 : 反义山委会呈备忘录
2009/09/27 5:58:37 PM
中国报: 今日焦點.紹嘉娜蒲種花園 不滿沒行動.本週將呈書 委會要求取消義山

“民聯議員從前跟我們站在同一陣線,從前是朋友,難道換了位子,頭腦也跟著換了嗎?希望民聯實踐對我們的承諾,否則下屆大選再換人做政府。”re: Malaysiakini: Penduduk tuntut pendirian Pakatan tentang tanah perkuburan
Penduduk tuntut pendirian Pakatan tentang tanah perkuburan | |||
Ketika itu, penduduk terbabit mendapat sokongan daripada parti pembangkang DAP, PKR dan PAS.
Kini ketiga-tiga parti berkenaan merupakan sebahagian daripada kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat yang mentadbir negeri Selangor sejak setahun setengah yang lalu.
Sewaktu sesi dialog dengan pegawai kerajaan negeri pada 22 Jun lalu, penduduk dijanjikan oleh pengerusi jawatankuasa setinggan, pengurusan bangunan dan perumahan, Iskandar Abdul Samad bahawa penyelesaiannya akan dicapai dalam tempoh tiga bulan.
Dan kini, tempoh tiga bulan itu yang berakhir pada 22 September telah berlalu tanpa sebarang maklumat dari pihak berkuasa.
Sehubungan itu, jawatankuasa sementara membantah projek tanah berkuburan itu, menulis surat kepada Menteri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim untuk mendapatkan penjelasan mengenainya.
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Cadangan untuk membina tanah perkuburan awam seluas 55 hektar di situ, termasuk tempat membakar mayat - yang dianggap terbesar di negara ini - akan membabitkan sebahagian besar kawasan hutan simpan yang kini dimiliki Universiti Pertanian Malaysia (UPM) dan kini digunakan untuk tujuan penyelidikan.
Mahu diselesai di luar mahkamah
Menurut penduduk, hutan simpan seluas 3,000 hektar itu adalah antara segelintir kawasan hijau yang masih tinggal di negara ini. Ia juga menjadi tempatan tinggal masyarakat Orang Asli.
Kira-kira 1,500 penduduk di situ bimbang mengenai kejatuhan nilai hartanah serta pencemaran alam sekitar ekoran cadangan pembinaan tempat pembakaran di situ.
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Hari ini penduduk telah membawa pihak media ke pinggir kawasan hutan simpan tersebut untuk bergambar bersama kain rentang yang dibuat pada 2007, dengan kandungannya disarankan oleh Iskandar, yang juga seorang ahli politik PAS.
Lau berkata, walaupun perkara itu telah dibawa ke mahkamah dan tarikh untuk mendengarnya belum ditetapkan, tetapi pihaknya berharap ianya dapat diselesaikan di luar mahkamah. Berita asal
"Hari ini penduduk telah membawa pihak media ke pinggir kawasan hutan simpan tersebut untuk bergambar bersama kain rentang yang dibuat pada 2007, dengan kandungannya disarankan oleh Iskandar, yang juga seorang ahli politik PAS."
Ungkapan "Kekalkan Hutan Simpanan. Mahu Jalan Bukan Kubur" sebenarnya hasil kreativiti Haji Yaakob Sapari, Exco Negeri Selangor sekarang semasa PKR masih Pembangkang di Selangor.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Kami, Signature Campaign Teamwork (SCT), sebagai wakil penduduk dalam melindungi Hutan Simpanan Ayer Hitam (HSAH) daripada dijadikan Tapak perkuburan, akan mengadakan satu Sidang Akhbar pada:
27hb September 2009 (Hari Ahad) Masa : 10.00 pagi
Di Restoran AS-Subuh di Saujana Puchong (peta dilampirkan)
berkenaan dengan Status dan Perkembangan "PENDENGARAN BANTAHAN BAGI DRAF RANCANGAN TEMPATAN MAJLIS PERBANDARAN SUBANG JAYA", (ISU KUBUR AYER HITAM) anjuran Kerajaan Selangor yang akan diadakan pada 22 Jun 2009.
Rakan-rakan Media dijemput hadir.
Sekiranya ada apa-apa pertanyaan, sila hubungi Encik Chan Chee Wai (012-9188876), Encik Chin Jet Fu (012-3072566), Lee Wai Hong (016-3268738), Ng Chee Kwong (012-2353280) untuk maklumat lanjutan sidang media SCT.
Untuk maklumat berkenaan SCT, sila kunjungi:
Terima Kasih atas sokongan padu Rakan-rakan media.
Yang Benar,
Ng Chee Kwong
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Decision on cemetery in Puchong to be known in 3 months
Streets * NST Online
Sheila Sri Priya
SUBANG JAYA: Residents living around the Ayer Hitam Forest Reserve, in Puchong, will know in three months whether they will have a cemetery in their backyard.
State executive councillor Iskandar Abdul Samad told the residents at a public hearing on the Subang Jaya Local Draft Plan that a decision would be made by then on whether to gazette 22.2ha of the land in the forest reserve as a cemetery.
Residents living in Bandar Bukit Puchong, Gateway Puchong, Lestari Puchong, Mutiara Indah and Saujana Puchong objected to the plans to have a cemetery in the vicinity of their housing areas.
About 1,500 residents had submitted their objections against the plan to have the cemetery. The issue was first raised in 2004.
Decision on cemetery project in three months
The Star Online - Metro
Tuesday June 23, 2009
THE Selangor state government has promised to make a decision on the cemetery project at the Ayer Hitam Forest Reserve in less than three months.
“This issue is beyond the state planning committee and will be discussed by the Selangor Economic Action Council (MTES).
“A special session will be held in July by the state executive councillors before we make a decision,” state housing, building management and squatters committee chairman Iskandar Abdul Samad said at the Subang Jaya Draft Local Plan hearing held at the Subang Jaya Municipal Council (MPSJ) complex yesterday.
A group of 20 residents, on behalf of the Signature Campaign Teamwork (SCT, which comprises representatives from Bandar Bukit Puchong, Taman Saujana Puchong, Gateway Puchong, Lestari Puchong and Mutiara Indah), submitted a memorandum to state tourism, consumer affairs and environment chairman Elizabeth Wong and MPSJ president Datuk Adnan Md Ikshan to reinstate their strong objection against the cemetery project.
“This cemetery, if built, will be located right next to our homes. We have been fighting for the abortion of this project since April 2004. We have asked the government to move the project to a place far away from residential areas.
“This is also to ensure that the Ayer Hitam Forest Reserve remains as it is to preserve the environment,” SCT member Ng Chee Kwong said.
He added that the court case pertaining to this issue had been put on hold indefinitely for the Selangor government to make a decision.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Jemputan ke Sidang Akhbar SCT - Sebagai Saksi "Pendengaran Bantahan Draf Rancangan Tempatan MPSJ (Isu Kubur Ayer Hitam)" antara SCT dan MPSJ
Kami, Signature Campaign Teamwork (SCT), sebagai wakil penduduk dalam melindungi Hutan Simpanan Ayer Hitam (HSAH) daripada dijadikan Tapak perkuburan, menjemput Rakan-rakan Media untuk menghadiri satu Sidang Akhbar sebagai Saksi "Pendengaran Bantahan Draf Rancangan Tempatan MPSJ (Isu Kubur Ayer Hitam)" antara MPSJ (Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya) dan SCT pada
22hb June 2009 (Hari Isnin) Masa : 10.30 pagi
Bertempat di : Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya (MPSJ)
Persiaran Perpaduan USJ 5,
47610 Subang Jaya
Tel: 03-8026 3131, Fax: 03-5637 6585
Rakan-rakan Media dijemput hadir.
Sekiranya ada apa-apa pertanyaan, sila hubungi Encik Chan Chee Wai (012-9188876), Encik Chin Jet Fu (012-3072566), Lee Wai Hong (016-3268738), Ng Chee Kwong (012-235 3280) untuk maklumat lanjutan.
Untuk maklumat berkenaan SCT, sila kunjungi:
Terima Kasih atas sokongan padu Rakan-rakan media.
Yang Benar,
Ng Chee Kwong
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
The Star: Cemetery issue a hot topic at draft plan hearing
Cemetery issue a hot topic at draft plan hearing
A PROPOSED cemetery at the Ayer Hitam Forest Reserve in Puchong, Selangor, was one of the hot issues raised during the first public hearing for the draft local plan for Subang Jaya held at the Subang Jaya Municipal Council (MPSJ) complex yesterday.
According to state housing, building management and squatters committee chairman Iskandar Abdul Samad, who chaired the hearing, finding a suitable site for a new cemetery is a big headache because no one wants to have one within the vicinity of his or her neighbourhood.
“The proposal is for a 55-acre cemetery that will cater to all races and religions,” he said.
“We received a lot of objections against the cemetery.
“Those that were filed by individuals were heard today (yesterday), while those filed by a group of more than 1,500 individuals will be heard at the next hearing,” Iskandar said.
Iskandar said 2,139 objections focusing on 192 issues were submitted on the draft local plan.
The issues brought up during yesterday’s hearing included discrepancies in zoning and the duration allowed for the public to register their objections.
“Some individuals and companies raised the discrepancies as their land already had a commercial status or that their buildings had been in existence for a long time, but the plan stated that they were located in residential zones,” Iskandar said.
On the LRT extension project, he said it was mentioned but not discussed in detail as it was still awaiting the approval of the state government.
“Syarikat Prasarana Negara Bhd (SPNB) presented a briefing to the state executive council on the proposed route last month. They’re supposed to review our feedback and present the project in detail to the state executive council,” Iskandar said.
He said the state government expected potential problems on the LRT extension project, and that the related issues had to be looked into carefully as there were many things to be resolved.
State local government, studies and research committee chairman Ronnie Liu noted that among the pressing issues raised was the need for more secondary schools and land for places of worship for non-Muslims.
“We will look into the demands and see how we can resolve them,” he said.
Liu said the authorities would also look into the suggestion of having the draft local plans in electronic format or soft copies so that they could be accessed via the Internet.
Iskandar said the issues that were straightforward could be dealt with at the hearing, but the more complicated ones had to be referred to the state planning committee.
State tourism, consumer affairs and environment chairman Elizabeth Wong was also present at the hearing.
Yesterday’s hearing received a lukewarm response as only a handful of individuals and representatives of companies and associations turned up. The next hearing, scheduled for June 22, is expected to draw a bigger turnout from the residents’ groups.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Kami, Signature Campaign Teamwork (SCT), sebagai wakil penduduk dalam melindungi Hutan Simpanan Ayer Hitam (HSAH) daripada dijadikan Tapak perkuburan, akan mengadakan satu Sidang Akhbar pada:
15hb June 2009 (Hari Isnin) Masa : 10.00 pagi
Di Restoran AS-Subuh di Saujana Puchong (peta dilampirkan)
Rakan-rakan Media dijemput hadir.
Dilampirkan adalah Surat MPSJ berkenaan pendengaran di atas dan peta ke Saujana Puchong.
Sekiranya ada apa-apa pertanyaan, sila hubungi Encik Chan Chee Wai (012-9188876), Encik Chin Jet Fu (012-3072566), Lee Wai Hong (016-3268738) untuk maklumat lanjutan sidang media SCT.
Untuk maklumat berkenaan SCT, sila kunjungi:
Terima Kasih atas sokongan padu Rakan-rakan media.
Yang Benar,
Ng Chee Kwong