Monday, June 21, 2010

Documents For 20 June 2010 Press Conference

The documents we provide to the press during 20 June 2010 Press Conference are listed here for your reference:

They are:
1. Press Release in Bahasa Malaysia and Chinese

2. Memorandum that will be handed to Menteri Besar Office on 21 June 2010

3. Letter dated 18 March 2010 from our lawyer informing us that during Case Mention on 16 March 2010, our case has been converted to case management on 27 April 2010

4. Letter dated 18 March 2010 where our lawyer request the State Legal Advisor to provide us the “Warta Kerajaan" related to the cancellation of the cemetery project.

5. Reply Letter dated 20 April 2010 from the State Legal Advisor informing the cemetery project has been cancelled

6. Letter dated 31 May 2010 from our lawyer informing us that case management is again postponed from 27 May 2010 to 21 July 2010

7. Our Previous Press Release on 17 Jan 2010 as reference to the Press

1. Press Release in Bahasa Malaysia and Chinese

2. Memorandum that will be handed to Menteri Besar Office on 21 June 2010

3. Letter dated 18 March 2010 from our lawyer informing us that during Case Mention on 16 March 2010, our case has been converted to case management on 27 April 2010

4. Letter dated 18 March 2010 where our lawyer request the State Legal Advisor to provide us the “Warta Kerajaan" related to the cancellation of the cemetery project.

5. Reply Letter dated 20 April 2010 from the State Legal Advisor informing the cemetery project has been cancelled and the land will be regazetted

6. Letter dated 31 May 2010 from our lawyer informing us that case management is again postponed from 27 May 2010 to 21 July 2010

7. Our Previous Press Release on 17 Jan 2010 as reference to the Press

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