First of all, SCT would like to salute all of you for your unyielding support because without your full support, the out-of-court settlement where the cemetery site is regazetted back to Forest Reserve will not be possible.
The Main Topics for the Press Conference yesterday (26 September 2010 at 10 am in AS-Subuh Restaurant) are:
1. The Official Announcement for the Out-Of-Court Settlement
2. The Issue of Requesting for the breakdown of expenditure by our first lawyer (T. J. Chin & Co - appointted by the 1st Term SCT committee). We have changed our lawyer to William Leong & Co on 4 Dec 2007. Besides that, we also invite the 1st and 2nd term SCT Committee to come forward to provide accurate reports to the residents.
(For your info, SCT Committee is now in her 3rd Term (26 June 2009 - 25 June 2011).
The 1st Term SCT Committee is from 26 June 2005-25 June 2007 and the 2nd Term Committee is from 26 June 2007-25 June 2009)
3. We will also inform that once or our documents are ready, SCT 3rd Term Committee will announce and distribute our final report (Financial and Non-Financial). We also take this opportunity to openly invite SCT 1st and 2nd Term to come forward and provide accurate reports to the residents.
4. Since our mission is already completed, once item (3) is completed, SCT will be dissolved.
For more info, refer to the attached documents.
Again, thank you very much for your support and guidance.
Attached are the documents for yesterday press conference:
1. Press Release and Legal Documents for Out-Of-Court Settlement (letter signed by State Legal Advisor and the Gazette No. 2460 and No. 2461

2. Letters that we have provided to T. J. Chin & Co requesting for the breakdown of legal expenses:
First of all, SCT wrote to T. J. Chin & Co on 6 September 2009 and then 12 October 2009 to request for the breakdown of legal expenses. In both letters, we do not receive any reply from T. J. Chin & Co.
Because of that, 1 June 2010, four SCT committee members (Mr. Koh Kok Siong, Mr. Lau Seng You, Mr. Lee Wai Hong and Mr. Ng Chee Kwong) appointed Norma Goh & Co to write to T. J. Chin & Co for the same matter and we still do not get the breakdown of legal expenses.
Then, on 7 July 2010, SCT 3rd Term Committee successfully changed the applicant name of our Judicial Review from SCT 1st Term Chairman to Mr. Lee Wai Hong (SCT 3rd Term Chairman - current) and thus obtain the Locus Standi (Legal Position) to pursue this case.
Because of that, SCT 3rd Term Committee appointted Norma Goh and Co to officially pursue this matter with T. J. Chin & Co using Mr. Lee Wai Hong Locus Standi on 20 August 2010. (The expenses for Appointment of Norma Goh & Co to pursue this matter amounting to RM 5,000.00 is fully borned personally by SCT 3rd Term Committee without using any public donated contribution).
Norma Goh & Co then reported this to the Senior Assistant Registrar (Shah Alam Court) and on 24 September 2010, Norma Goh & Co informed us that T. J. Chin & Co will reply us within 2 weeks.

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